Chipsmore's brand purpose is to interrupt seriousness with fun. So, in 2022, as conversations around the Malaysian housing bubble continued to build, we partnered with Monopoly to launch Gen Z's dream-homes in a place they could afford it: the Metaverse!
A reimagining of Monopoly's 28 property squares as tongue-in-cheek virtual properties.
Each property was full of little stories starring chocolate chip characters.
We even beat Monopoly to the Metaverse.
Even though the Metaverse is dead, as least this lives on my portfolio.
Project Info
ECD - Iska Hashim
Associate Creative Director - David HK Tan
Creative Group Head - Vickknesh Weaver-Raj
Junior Art Director - Stephanie Chiew Li
Graphic Designer - Sue Phing
Copywriter - Jing Jie & Reyna Gopal 

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